
Dog Health Watch: Tonsillitis in Dogs

If you noticed that your dog is licking its lips and coughing, he may not have a simple cough. He may be suffering from tonsillitis. Some people may not know it, but it is not only humans who experience tonsillitis. Man's best friend is likewise susceptible to this infection.

Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils which are lymph nodes located at the back of a dog's throat. This may be caused by viral or bacterial infection. Learning more about tonsillitis and how it affects dog health is very useful. Knowing what are the potential causes and treatments for the ailment will help pet owners in resolving dog health issues related to tonsillitis.

How Do Dogs Get Tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis in dogs is primarily caused by a bacteria or virus attacking the dog's immune system. There are some situations such as diseases in the dog's mouth and chronic vomiting which bring about this infection to your canine pal. Sore throat is also another factor found to be linked to tonsillitis. Tartar buildup may likewise cause this common dog health problem. One unique fact regarding tonsillitis though is that it is more common in smaller breeds as compared to bigger ones. So if you have small dogs then regularly checking for the symptoms would be a recommended practice.

How Do I Know My Dog Has Tonsillitis?

Some of the most common symptoms of tonsillitis in dogs are coughing and gagging. This is the most noticeable and most likely to grab the owner's attention. Aside from this, other known symptoms of tonsillitis are fever, difficulty swallowing, repeated licking of the lips, and refusal to eat. In some cases, the inflamed tonsils of the canine can be noticed upon a simple stroke of your pet's neck.

How Do I Treat Tonsillitis In My Dog?

To best treat tonsillitis in dogs, it is important to find out what specifically caused it. Addressing the root cause would then result in the deflation of the tonsils and improving the overall dog health of your pet. It's always wise to consult a veterinarian on the proper treatment to administer so you would not be giving the wrong medicine to your pet. 

Prednisone, an antibiotic, is usually prescribed by the vet in cases where vomiting and coughing symptoms are present. If the cause is the tartar buildup then a dental cleaning would probably be administered. In worst cases the doctor would recommend for a tonsillectomy to be done. This is a procedure where the inflamed tonsils are removed surgically and is done only when necessary.

How Can I Prevent Tonsillitis In My Dog?

It's an age old saying that prevention is better than cure. Keep your dog's oral hygiene in proper check and have regular check-up visits to the vet. This can help prevent tonsillitis and limit the dog health issues that your pet may encounter. It may seem a bit expensive at first but keeping your pet healthy and happy will be well worth it.

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