
Strokes in dogs

Stroke in dogs are rare. This neurological injury called as Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs) occurs when there is a disrupted blood flow in an area of their brain causing them to head tilt and loss of balance. Canine strokes appear in different types and the fatal the type, the severe the case is. Unlike human stroke, distorted mouth or eye is rarely seen in dog stroke.

In some cases, a vestibular disease is a more common dog health problem than stroke. This condition has two types: the central vestibular disease or the brain abnormality while the peripheral vestibular disease refers to the nerve abnormality in the inner ear. When your dog is older and is diagnosed with peripheral vestibular disease, your dog experiences disorientation

Dog Stroke Symptoms

Here are some common signs and symptoms of dog stroke. It’s highly recommended when your dog experiences three or more events in the list, bring them to your nearest veterinarian for consultation.

1. Dizziness
2. Head Tilting
3. Circling Movements
4. Disorientation
5. Confusion
6. Eye Twitching
7. Falling down

Causes of Stroke in Dogs

When your dog’s blood vessel in the brain bursts, it dies and stops working the task it should do. This event may not cause any seizure but eye twitching is commonly noticed. There are cases your dog simply feels normal after the stroke and recover immediately. The recovery period may sometimes take weeks before getting back to normal.

Diagnosing Strokes in Dogs

Extensive clinical tests such as Computed Tomography (CT) scans and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) are used to evaluate the damage in the brain. Spinal operation is also necessary to avoid any inflammation or infection that might surface unexpectedly. To assess your overall dog health, a simple blood test is enough to detect if your pet has thyroid problems or diabetes.


Until now, the best treatment for strokes in dogs is proper nursing care. Always be observant to your dog’s daily behavioral patterns. If the condition is too critical, don’t wait for next day or next week, inform the veterinarian right away.

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